Friday, December 11, 2009


This is actually an earlier work I did for pass time. The title is Nalakuvara, a god from the Buddhism legend. Later it's converted to Taoism in China, known as Na Zha (哪吒). The stories portrayed him as child, that he is able to multiply his limps, and head as well, to match his opponent. He was always told to be stepping on two wheels of flame that enables him to travel very fast.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Finally I have finish my Comic Con entry, now its time for some rest. Hehe

I have a problem with the composision actually, i think the character din't shine much here. But then I don't know what can I do, I tried corping the picture, but then I loose too much of the character, not what the judges would want. so I end up here. :P

The progress sheet is actually a sucess to me, almost exactly what I want, well, I wanted to tune the color to more blue, but that would alter the actuall color in the progress work.

I don't rally like this sheet, it kindda din't blend with the other two, but if stand alone, its kindda nice too. :P still I manage to make it as closely to the other two as posible. :P

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Anime style

This is my "first try", for anime style art, for a girl anyway. I kindda Like the effect, not very detailed anyway, but I guess its safe. haha...

resized edition.(click for large)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Dominance War IV

The result for all 75 finalist are out, so I'm I, OUT. nothing to be sad about, guest I'll push hearder next time. HaHa.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Dominance War III

Yet another previouse entry, this is for Dominance War III, the concept eveolve from a beetle. Buggy concept actually, I was thinking about mask rider, then some shell concept. and the the beetal head, some armors...

Well turns out to be a losing entry. I like the color, I like the concept, I like the process, and the progress, guess thats what counts.

Death Knight

Yes, it's another competition work that did not make it to the winning stage. But still its something to Share. Anyhow, this is one of the "first time test". I always wanted to do a armored character, well, it's a good try.

The Steamunk pet

The is my entry in "Steampunk pets" for GameArtisan.Org mini competition. It wasn't exactcy steampunk enought, but sure serve as a loyal side kick. Anyhow, I enjoy doing the fur part. It was rearrly and "achivement". Much joy there is.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Dominance War IV

To begin with, my first post will be about my last competition over the internet. Dominance War IV, it is one of the largest competition, hosted by GameArtisan.Org, and its been around for quite some times, (as you can see, its the forth).

This is my entry for the competition. It's a cyborg for the machine race. All comments and critics are welcome.

Enjoy reading :)

At the beginning of the competition, I was Planing to go on a demon class character, a "centaurist" form with a Cerberus lower half body. But then the concept seems to be "too common". Quite repetitive I would say.

AT the later state, I decided to change my concept and do a cyborg instead. It's a bit rush, but I think I manage to pull it out on a good way.

The host request a landscape oriented layout, but I much preferred the portrait layout.

Final Poster

Concept Sheet

Text Sheet

Modeling Sheet