Friday, August 8, 2014

Canine King

Chow 358, kindda like how this goes. better the my last attemp (dwarf wizzard), which I ultimately drop out. Coz i dint like the final... might make some time to redo that but anyhow. Husky rulezzzzz.

Friday, August 1, 2014

In a hype I made this.

While I was working on  my previous post (dwarf wizard) i just stumble on some mech concept arts. so i just have to do this one..... 

Its not a "professional"  3D model, but its sufficient enough to do the trick. Its a spontaneous design, not a well planed one but I like the result of it. Perhaps you would too.

Its available for download in 3Dwarehouse. And yes its sketchup model, rendered in SuPodium.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Wizard Apprentice.

Wizard Apprentice. A dwarf wizard apprentice. This one is a bit odd. i did the out line. but i din get the color, i usually picture the colored view before i started painting. Anyhow its not that bad, but dint quit get what I was looking for. ~not that I know what I was looking for.....

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Moth Queen

My last entry to CHOW.  The Red Moth Queen, it was supposed to be the White moth queen, but it kindda felt lazy work without the color, so I experimented with a few color tweak and end up in bloody red. looks kinnda cool too. :P

Friday, February 7, 2014


Put it this way, we all gets moody sometimes~~~
but I started it but dint finished it. not the deadlines is off and nothing is in my hands might as well finished the piece. It was supposed to be in the weekly challenge, a long~~~~ time a go.