Friday, August 8, 2014

Canine King

Chow 358, kindda like how this goes. better the my last attemp (dwarf wizzard), which I ultimately drop out. Coz i dint like the final... might make some time to redo that but anyhow. Husky rulezzzzz.

Friday, August 1, 2014

In a hype I made this.

While I was working on  my previous post (dwarf wizard) i just stumble on some mech concept arts. so i just have to do this one..... 

Its not a "professional"  3D model, but its sufficient enough to do the trick. Its a spontaneous design, not a well planed one but I like the result of it. Perhaps you would too.

Its available for download in 3Dwarehouse. And yes its sketchup model, rendered in SuPodium.