To begin with, my first post will be about my last competition over the internet. Dominance War IV, it is one of the largest competition, hosted by GameArtisan.Org, and its been around for quite some times, (as you can see, its the forth).
This is my entry for the competition. It's a cyborg for the machine race. All comments and critics are welcome.
Enjoy reading :)

At the beginning of the competition, I was Planing to go on a demon class character, a "centaurist" form with a Cerberus lower half body. But then the concept seems to be "too common". Quite repetitive I would say.

AT the later state, I decided to change my concept and do a cyborg instead. It's a bit rush, but I think I manage to pull it out on a good way.
The host request a landscape oriented layout, but I much preferred the portrait layout.
Final Poster

Concept Sheet

Text Sheet

Modeling Sheet